I’m a Postdoctoral Associate in philosophy at Yale. Beginning in Fall 2025, I will be an Assistant Professor of philosophy at Indiana University, Bloomington.
In Spring 2024, I completed my PhD in philosophy at the University of Michigan. Prior to that, I was an undergraduate in philosophy at King’s College London.
My current research is mostly in decision theory and formal epistemology, with close connections to issues in philosophy of language. I also have a significant research interest in metaphysics, and teaching interests in ethics, logic (and formal philosophical methods more generally), philosophy of economics, and philosophy of science.
Here’s my CV, my PhilPeople page, and my Google Scholar page. My email is: calum [dot] mcnamara [at] yale.edu
Fun fact: I have an Erdös number of 4 (Me → Snow Zhang → Abigail Raz → Christopher D. Godsil → Paul Erdös).